Budgeting Made Simple

Costvine Prototype

What do you need to create a budget?

Ten related spreadsheets (with formulas that keep breaking!), two Slack channels, and an email list for the people who ignore Slack?  Boxes full of printed schedules?  Wouldn't it be simpler to just see the whole thing in front of you, on the screen, with one clear line for each category?

Costvine lets you organize your budget with one beautiful interface.  No formulas to manage, no relationship links to maintain, no import/export—just share with your team!  Explode any line item into a subvine, creating unlimited levels of detail.  Just scored a great deal on widgets?  Change the item price and watch the entire budget magically update itself!

To build a better budget…

You need a better tool!


Leaf Text  Captures and manages your budget’s complexity

Leaf Text  Provides a beautiful interface

Leaf Text  Is always accurate and up-to-date

Leaf Text  Lets you communicate your budget clearly

Leaf Text  Makes it easy to collaborate with collegues

Leaf Text  Gives you confidence in your budget’s accuracy

Costvine Image
Costvine Prototype

Manage budgeting complexity

Large budgets are complex, hierarchical beasts with a lot of moving parts.


  • Helps you organize that complexity

  • Is inherently hierarchical (as opposed to spreadsheets, which are flat!)

  • Lets you do instant pricing adjustments which propagate to the bottom line automatically

  • Shares vines across team members, so each department head has the control they need

  • Helps you communicate the budget’s essence, only showing the details you need

A graceful interface

Good software should be a pleasure to use.


  • Uses a vine metaphor to facilitate your budget’s hierarchical organization

  • Lets you see everything you are working on

  • Makes it easy to zoom in or out, depending on the level of detail you need

  • Offers the functionality you need – without being cluttered

Costvine Image
Costvine Prototype

Always accurate and up-to-date

A big budget is shared across multiple teams.


  • Propogates all changes to department budgets or line item costs, automatically

  • Does all the math without formulas!

  • Gives you the confidence to know you are always working with the best information

  • Tells you where the money is going, always

Lets you communicate your budget clearly

Complex budgets are the bane of large projects.


  • Makes it easy to communicate all costs, at any level of detail.

  • Gives you a dynamic tool for presentations

  • Answer all budget questions on the spot, clearly and to the last dollar

  • Prevent cost overruns by going into projects with 100% understanding

Costvine Image